
Birthday book tag

Hey bookworms!!

Today is my birthday; I turn 41 *throws confetti*

I was browsing the net, looking for something fun to do and I decided to look at book tags. This one from Heather @  The Sassy Book Geek is a short one but it looked fun.

1. Count your birthday along your bookshelf and then substract your birthday month.

This gives me #30 and it is "Ace of Shades" by Amanda Foody. I received this book in the Owlcrate box for April 2018. I have yet to read this and I have read plenty of good things about it.

2. If you could spend your birthday with any fictional character who would it be and why?

For this one, I can't only choose one. Fred and George Weasley from the Harry Potter series. Do I really need to explain this choice? I mean... what a hoot they would be!!

3. Find a book that takes place in the season you were born in.

November is a Fall month, even if there is snow on the ground where I am. I'm not sure i own a book set in the Fall so I looked them up on Goodreads. "The Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern. That's a book I've seen at the thrift store before but never picked up. Kinda kicking myself for it and hoping I'll see it again one day.

4. Find a book that is the color of your birthstone.

Apparently, I have 4 different stones and I only knew of this one: Citrine. I have a few books that are pretty close to that. "City of Fallen Angels" by Cassandra Clare and "Wasteland" by Susan Kim & Laurence Klavan. Worth mentioning are "City of Glass" and "City of Heavenly Fire" both by Cassandra Clare, "Walk on Earth a Stranger" by Rae Carson and "Beastly Bones" by William Ritter. There might be more on my shelves but let's just move on to the next question. 😊

5. Pick a book set in a time period, world or country you would like to have been born in.

I seriously had to think about this one because I love everything magical, everything vampire, steampunk and more.Vampires won. I picked "The Sookie Stackhouse" novels by Charlaine Harris but I could have gone for my love, Sunnydale, Buffy the Vampire Slayer's world. I'm currently binge watching True Blood, that might explain my choice 😜

Let's talk.

What did you think? What would be your choices?

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  1. This is a really cool meme! I'll have to remember it in March when my birthday rolls around. :)

    1. It was pretty fun to do. Looking forward to yours :)
